수용 가능5 리뷰
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  • 80.0%
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QA/QC 검사원 (1)
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제공 SGS Group
낮은 MOQ 주문에 대한 맞춤 제작 서비스
가장 낮은 최소 주문: 300 (15일 발송)
1개 카테고리 이용 가능
49개 제품 이용 가능
더 보기
US$50.00 - US$59.00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 1 세트
US$69.00 - US$89.00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 1 세트
US$50.00 - US$59.00
Shipping to be negotiated
Min. Order: 1 세트
회사 리뷰 (5)
3.6 /5
수용 가능
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
I received the product in a reasonable timeframe. However the product would not turn on. The supplier refused to arrange a replacement or total refund. They wasted hours of my time telling me my battery was at fault. They made me unscrew the control panel and then I found multiple wires were damaged and one was cut in half. they still refused to replace or total refund, insisting I should repair the damaged wiring myself by soldering it together. I eventually got a partial refund only and have been left with a damaged nonfunctional item which even if repaired would probably just fail again. I'm my opinion the internal wiring in my unit is so badly designed and packed that any movement causes the wires to fray , bend and break.
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